
Showing posts from May, 2021

Our Christ Culture

I think I have mentioned it before: I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I have been a Latter-day Saint my whole entire life, and I do not know who I would be without being raised on Jesus Christ.   A few months ago, I returned from serving as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ.  I served in Kansas for two years.  It was during my time in Kansas that I made the decision to pursue a degree in Marriage and Family studies.  Because of this decision, I thought to myself: well, what makes a strong family?  A couple that invited me over for dinner were just about to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary.  I asked them, "How in the world have you made your marriage last that long??"  They answered with this exact statement, "Well, we made Jesus Christ the foundation of our relationship.  Our marriage was never just the two of us.  It was me, my wife, and the Savior.  That is our cult...

Communication Theory

What is a theory? For the layman like myself, I have to dumb things down in order to understand them better.  In its simplest definition, a theory is an explanation as to why something is the way it is.  Scientists will use these theories to guide their research in whatever field of science they may be practicing.   This week in class, we learned about different theories having to do with behavior both in the family and outside the family.   I am going to describe a few of the theories that have dominated my mind over the last few days.    Systems theory maintains that any intimate group must be observed as a whole.  It analyzes how each member of the family influences one another.  As a system, each individual family member has roles and rules that apply to them, which directly affects the whole unit.  Though members of the family may be individual in their specific role that they fill, they have an impact on the rest of the group so a...