Communication: Part Deux
Coming back to a topic that I addressed a few weeks ago, this is part two of my communication theory... theory. Let me say it again, because I feel like I cannot stress this enough: in my own extraordinarily humble opinion, communication is what makes or breaks a relationship. Any relationship. I was never the best at communicating, and I still am an amateur when it comes to such things. But through my experience, I know that communication helps strengthen your respect for others as well as others’ respect for you. It helps avoid misunderstandings, it builds trust, it takes the guesswork out of what’s wrong, and it isn’t as emotionally damaging as holding everything inside. Communicate like your relationships depend on it . This doesn’t only apply to romantic relationships such as marriages. This applies to other interactions as well. Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints preach the gospel of Jesus Christ “two by two.” ...